We had a constant need to create engaging and interesting branded pieces for the University of North Florida. Responsible for typesetting brochures, brochure layout, social media graphics, web icons, social media post designs, posters, event materials, and anything else as needed. I was constantly challenged by University Brand Guidelines, and every project I worked on had to adhere to strict brand guidelines from the University itself, and my Lead Art Director.
These design solutions are a sampling of photographic as well as illustrative and web work completed with UNF. I worked very closely with student affairs departments such as DDI, Interfaith, Women’s Center, and the MVRC (Military Veterans and Resource Center). I also worked consistently with the Admissions department, and other Academic departments designing brochures and other print materials. These examples show the posters within the systems and each system had a full social media and print package included for each event.
Collaborated with UNF team members on these pieces and sought approval from Direct Supervisor and Interim VP of Marketing and Communications to ensure they were within UNF’s brand standards. Each one of these pieces was my original concept using UNF Brand Assets.
Mad Dog Mail was responsible for the creation of high quality postcards, mailing pieces, and other political literature for the 2020 election. Clients were primarily from North Carolina, Nevada, Arizona, and other key battleground states. All pieces were for Democratic party members at the state assembly level, senate, and house level. Each piece was designed by a primary freelancer designer in most cases and I was responsible for editing it. In some cases I worked on walk cards and postcards as shown in these examples. I was responsible for using the brand guidelines for each client to stay within not only their colors, logos, and photo perspectives, but to also stay on target with the message needed to win in that particular location.
The solutions I am providing here show my work that I did solo and was not an edit of another designer’s work. I assisted with many of these postcards using photoshop cut out techniques, and techniques to translate the candidates handwriting to the postcard for a personalized feel. I used the guidelines set up by the organization and candidates to achieve a feel that was similar to other pieces but had a unique look and feel to it.
Collaborated with Lauren Renfow, Art Director of Mad Dog Mail and sought her approval on these pieces.
We had a constantly changing and growing need for cover photos. Real Estate Agents needed diverse and functional cover photos for Facebook pages, Google My Business Pages, and You Tube Channels. Each cover had to be sized and modified for those dimensions.
Continually created cover photos in off time as much as possible to give agents diverse options. Inspiration was taken from Real Estate trends, company logos, and the changing and growing needs of agents. Also created video templates for our sellable videos and custom videos for different TKS agents with Platinum TKS subscription.
Won Company Page of the Year December 2021
Collaborated with Direct Supervisor and TKS Director for approval of these pieces and approval for motion pieces to keep within the quality standards and guidelines of Home ASAP.
UDAE needs stunning graphics to catch the eyes of donors, alumni, and students for fundraising purposes. They were also in need of someone for project management, art direction, branding experience, and someone who had a past relationship with Marketing and Communications
These are a variety of solutions in email banner form as well as some marks that were made for different campaigns throughout UDAE. One sample is also a puzzle created for Giving Day 2023 as a save the date option.
Accolades: Collaborated with Annual Giving Team to create the 2023 Spring Cleaning Postcard which won an award through Annual Giving Network
Designs created with some assets from Adobe Stock