Problem: My husband and I run a Twitch Stream where we play retro games (along with newer ones as well, but mostly retro) and we needed a logo. I came up with a system including overlays, and created custom posts for holidays and advertisements for reruns. I am responsible for all social media management, posting, and merchandise. My husband completes video work for you tube and manages the stream through OBS while live.
The solutions created represent us as streamers. These solutions show the fun and passion involved in this stream and represents the brand in a dynamic way. I also created dynamic and interesting social ads for holidays to keep our viewers and community engaged through social media platforms such as instagram. I’ve also included merchandise sporting our logo as well.
The challenge was, to make posters designed off music, and in this case also off a movie. These posters are inspired by Escape from New York and the rescoring that the band Mogi Grumbles did. The visuals had to be both stunning, but also abstract.
The series takes not only song titles but also quotes from the movies and incorporates them visually.
The first poster “Follow the Orange Line” is actually based off of two rescores, “Brain” and “Follow the Orange Line”. Brain is one of the main protagonists in the film, and follow the orange line is a command given to prisoners when they first go through processing to Manhattan Island, now a max security prison. Both are incorporated and also give a little nod to the New York Subway System.
The second poster “I heard you were dead - call me plissken” also incorporates to different things. The first part is the line that is almost comedically spoken throughout the movie and is referenced as a song title in the rescore. It references the main character Snake Plissken (everyone had heard he was dead). Call me Plissken is a small joke to Snake’s attitude. At one point he says Call me Plissken, at another he says Call me Snake quite arbitrarily and sarcastically. The visual is meant to mimic his cobra tattoo, the cobra’s head is down, and tattooed across it’s body is “I Heard you were Dead”. The Mogi Grumbles cover art also makes an appearance in the heart lines on the snake as well. The skull shows Plissken in the eye patch (and a nod to the joke line, I heard you were DEAD), and the skull is biting the snake in true old style tattoo form.